Scheduled Service

Preventative maintenance to your electrical systems to ensure safety, compliance and minimise emergency breakdowns

Scheduled servicing provides the ability to detect potential issues and plan for forward works. Everything is cheaper to repair or maintain when you are prepared for it.

We offer a range of periodic service maintenance and inspection programs to suit the company or industry standards. Whether these are driven by safety needs, compliance reporting, predicative maintenance or your own service standards, we can customise a program which aligns to your needs.

Physical review, Emergency Lighting, RCD, Test Tagging and Thermal Image inspections represent the core pillars of our scheduled servicing. Each of these are designed to improved safety, reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and reduce site risk. Identified issues are reported and then rectified following specific approval.

To assist with your compliance and your wider risk management, we maintain a real time database for you to access for all of your Residual Current Device (RCD) and Test & Tag asset data. This is available in a static (report) format or live, online for registered users.

Revma - Icon - Exit and Emergency Lighting

Safety Illumination

Ensure that your staff and customers can quickly and safely exit a potentially dangerous environment.

Revma - Icon - Thermal Imaging

Latest Technology

Pick up an issue before it becomes an issue – easily and quickly – non-invasive inspection without impacting your operations.

Revma - Icon - RCD Testing, Testing and Tagging

Industry Standards

Testing in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010, using the latest technology and maintaining an accurate asset register.